Adaco Sales Item API Release Notes
This page explains the changes that have happened to our Adaco Sales Item API since its launch.
These Release Notes are up-to-date at the time of the release. Further improvements or corrections to our API documentation will normally occur in the guide only.
If you have already integrated with Fourth and would like to be kept abreast of API changes via email, please fill in this form.
Breaking change notification
20th August 2023
As part of its ongoing commitment to the security of its customer’s information, Fourth will be updating its platform to require all connections to use TLS 1.2 or higher from 9 January 2024. Older versions of TLS will be retired.
TLS is the encryption method used to secure communications over HTTPS. This will have no impact on SFTP connections.
14 March 2020 — New fields for improved food sensitivity information
New fields are available for the RetailItems and MenuItems endpoints, to support improved information about food sensitivities. They are:
- CustomAllergen
- CustomDietaryGuidelines
- CustomIntolerance
Now, each customer can set their own custom food sensitivities for a retail item or menu item. There are three values that can be set:
- Yes
- No
- Maybe – equivalent to “may contain”
The information can come from two sources; either the product's own list of ingredients or the user. As a safety precaution, the most cautious value is returned by the API. For example, if the product lists “Maybe” and the user-specified value is “No”, then the API returns Maybe.
If a value isn’t set at all, then the API will return a null value. However, do not treat this as equivalent to the value being “no”. If necessary, in your own system set this to “unknown” or a similar term.
Each customer chooses how to organise products or ingredients in these fields. For example:
"CustomAllergen": { "Eggs": "Yes", "Fish": "No", "Milk": "Maybe" }, "CustomDietaryGuidelines": { "Pork": "No", "Alcohol": "Yes" }, "CustomIntolerance": { "Gluten": "No", "Lactose": "Maybe", "Chili": "" },
Deprecated arrays
As part of this update, please note that from this point, these arrays (for the above endpoints) are now deprecated:
- Allergen []
- DietaryGuidelines []
- Intolerance []
While we will continue to include them in API responses, we highly recommend existing integrations consider using the new fields to deliver an improved and safer experience for diners and hotel guests.
Note that previously these arrays were based on a tick-box selection from the user. To support this update, the arrays now list all ingredients set as maybe or yes. The null and no ingredients are not included in the list. For example, based on the sample above, the array values would be:
"Allergen": [ "Eggs", "Milk" ], "DietaryGuidelines": [ "Alcohol" ], "Intolerance": [ "Lactose" ],
30 March 2018 — Minor change to the MenuItem resource, CostPrice field
The MenuItem resource has had a minor change to the CostPrice field. This field is no longer an average taken from across all sites. Instead, it is a value that is set location wide.
09 January 2018 — New PLU (product look up) resource
A new PLU (product look up) resource is available.
The PLU resource returns the details of any sales item with the PLU number, including the order quantities in outlets which list the item. As a single PLU could be assigned to different items in different outlets, this resource can return a collection of items.
For details about this resource, please see the Guide & Reference.
31 October 2017 — Updates to food sensitivities, allergens, nutrition, and filtering
The API has been updated to include:
- Food Sensitivities
- Allergens
- Nutrition
- Filtering by created and modified dates
For a full description of these features, please see the Guide & Reference.
15 August 2017 — Addition of BarCode collection in MenuItem resource
The MenuItem resource now includes a BarCode collection.
Each item can be assigned zero or more bar codes. These are returned as a collection of pairs including the Bar Code Symbology and the Bar Code Value. For example:
"BarCodes": [ { "BarCode": "000039804", "Symbology": "CODE39" }, { "BarCode": "0000398041", "Symbology": "CODE39" }, { "BarCode": "0398040001010", "Symbology": "EAN13" } ], ...
27 September 2016 — Launch of Adaco Sales Item API!
The Adaco Sales Item API has launched to partners and customers! With the Adaco Sales Item API, (also called the Adaco ePOS API) you can retrieve menu and retail items from Fourth Adaco to populate your POS system, allowing Fourth Adaco to act as the master data source for all sales item information. Additionally, you can use the API to get data for in-store menu screens, websites, and any other displays you have.
The Adaco Sales Item API is an HTTP REST API, and gets:
- All retail items for an outlet
- All menu items for an outlet
- Details of an individual item in a property, identified by its PLU
The API responds with the full details for each sales item, including up to 15 customizable fields to record information specific to your system. You can filter results by date, and choose to exclude nutritional content, cost price and other attributes that your systems or displays may not need. Only items with a PLU are included in the results.